I think I've finally figured out how to get my Living In Milton blog re-activated. It was not easy to do. I've been wanting to do that for a while now. There have been a lot of changes with me since my last post and over a year + has gone by.
I had retired from State employment, my son turned 19 this year and started college and I moved from my home in Milton to Magnolia. I still want to keep my blog name, however, because I had some happy memories of living there. I might eventually change it, but haven't thought of a better name for it.
My intentions of what to use my blog for have not changed. I still love doing the same things: knitting, research, reading, books, libraries, bookstores, bookfolding, beaches and gardens.
I will develop more on these themes as I go along with this blog and keep it moving.
Have a happy day, because a day is often what you make it.