I'm back to seeing my diabetes doctor a couple times a month. Still trying to get my numbers down. It's hard sometimes. I like to eat and drink. And I always seem to be hungry. They say using insulin will do that. I don't know. It seems a lot of times that food consumes my thoughts all the time. Food and insulin and my pump beeping at me throughout the night.
I apparently have what they call "dawn phenomenon" and my numbers go up a lot overnight. Numbers also shoot up when I unhook the pump to take my showers in the morning. Sometimes my numbers go up between 100+ in that 15 to 30 minutes I'm detached. My diabetes Dr. said that I should check my blood glucose before I suspend the pump and give myself a bolus of insulin if my numbers are high. That should sustain me a little during that period of time.
All these little things I'm learning about insulin and living with diabetes are interesting. Right now I'm about to fall asleep over this laptop. It seems that whenever I sit still for a few minutes I'm ready to go to bed. I'm a night owl at heart but I can only seem to stay alert enough to watch tv or look through knitting magazines and books. Oh well, such is life.