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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Ebooks: "The Folded Book" and "Mama-Love"

WOW! How some things change and some things stay the same. It's been a while since I posted anything on this blog and I figured I'd try to start making posts again.

I am still "living in Milton" with my son who is now 17. Things are well. I am working full time and have started as Office Manager for a great new pilot program to help persons get training and jobs. It's fun to be working at what I love to do.

Life has been busy. I've written a couple of ebooks that I published on Amazon: "The Folded Book" and "Mama-Love" that I really enjoyed writing. They're' not long books. My birthday gift to me was to take a class at the local college on publishing on Amazon and I was researching the book folding niche I discovered online. It was captivating to me and since I had to have a book to publish for the class, I simply took the research I had done on the subject and wrote on that. Over 60 hours of research on the folded book market and what crafters were doing with them. The "Mama-Love" book are some poems I wrote about my mother. She was a wonderful woman who died almost 15 years ago. How she lived and what she was like inspired me to put some of it in writing. I thoroughly loved writing those poems. That was my memorial to her. We all miss her still.

Have to sign off, but I wanted to get some thoughts down.